Can I put iPod firmware on an iPhone?

Can I put iPod firmware on an iPhone?


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Dec 10, 2011
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After my wife upgraded her iPhone, we desided to give her old iPhone 3G (4.2.1) to our 4 (almost 5) year old to play with. (She knows how to use it better than some adults I know.)
It stays in Airplane Mode so that she doesn't accidentally make any calls to 911, and we've got some restrictions set so that she doesn't get on YouTube, or the Internet, or try to download any apps.
The restrictions are passworded, but as far as I know there's not any way to lock Airplane Mode on. She has "accidently" taken it out Airplane Mode once before, and I want to make sure we don't have to worry about it happening again.

I was wondering if it is possible to put an iPod firmware on the iPhone, and essentially turn it into an iPod.
Has anyone ever tried, or know if it can be done? If so, which firmware should I use? I assume if it's possible, you would do it the same way that you would downgrade or restore the firmware on an iPhone.

Any help is appreciated. 😉

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I am afraid there is no way you can put ipod firmware on the iphone. you could remove the sim card though.
Why wouldn't you just cancel all associated plans with the phone?
You could turn of Cellular data in your settings and that will stop her being able to make calls. Go to settings>general>network and scroll for cellular data.
With all of the above you would still be able to make emergency calls. Removing the sim is about as close as you could get to turning the iphone into an ipod...
if you jailbreak you could delete the phone application from the device using open SSH