can .ipa files be dragged in to iTunes and downloaded in iPhone ?

can .ipa files be dragged in to iTunes and downloaded in iPhone ?


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Dec 9, 2011
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I wanted to know this if this is possible. I have tow PC from which I do the download of APPS and Games in iTtunes for my iPhone. Now say for e.g If I have downloaded a game in "A" PC what I have noticed is somewhere in a folder destination on your "A" PC it downloads a .iPA file for the APP or game that you have downloaded. Now If I copy that file log in to iTunes on my "B" PC and directly drag it into iTunes will it get copied there and then can I download it to my iPhone. I know I can simply download the APP and Game using USB cabel from "A" PC but just incase I dont wanna connect my phone to PC "A" and do this work around is it possible ?
I don't see why that wouldn't be possible, as long as both iTunes are authorized to your account and you've already bought and paid for the app via one of the iTunes (the "A" one in this case).

I can see where you don't want to hook the iPhone up to one computer because it's synced to another. But, my only question is: Why don't you just simply download the app to the "B" iTunes, where you want to hook up your iPhone and just let iTunes do it's magic? You don't have to go through all that copying/pasting/transferring and complicating stuff. Just download the app, hook up the phone, put the app on the phone and you're done. Easy peasy!

Seems like an awfully roundabout way of getting apps onto the iPhone...

Hope this helps.

I agree with Marilyn.

Provided these are you own ipa's, signed with your Apple ID, there's no problem moving them around where you like. I can't recall, but to get iTunes to recognise them you may have to choose the "add to library" feature on "PC B" just as you would for adding new music, movies, etc. to your library.

Whilst I wouldn't often do it myself, if you do have a lot of apps on one PC, it can save a lot of time and broadband bandwidth to move them across to another PC.
I wanted to know this if this is possible. I have tow PC from which I do the download of APPS and Games in iTtunes for my iPhone. Now say for e.g If I have downloaded a game in "A" PC what I have noticed is somewhere in a folder destination on your "A" PC it downloads a .iPA file for the APP or game that you have downloaded. Now If I copy that file log in to iTunes on my "B" PC and directly drag it into iTunes will it get copied there and then can I download it to my iPhone. I know I can simply download the APP and Game using USB cabel from "A" PC but just incase I dont wanna connect my phone to PC "A" and do this work around is it possible ?

What coups be possible and easy is to download the apps to B PC the same way you downloaded them in A PC. It's that simple.
bab2010 said:
What coups be possible and easy is to download the apps to B PC the same way you downloaded them in A PC. It's that simple.

Personally, my apps library is over 8GB. That is not a trivial size in terms of either bandwidth or time to re-download. Not everyone in the world has unlimited fast broadband either so for some it may be a legitimate exercise.