There are gps switcher units used generally on gates roller shutter etc. in place if radio fobs. they work by inserting a payg sim, you then send it an sms message containing a password and 'white list' phone numbers, which can be mobile or landlines.
To operate, and in your case to open the doors, you phone the sim number, as long as your phone number it is in the 'White List' and you don't with hold your number, the unit switches a contact to open the doors, switch on lights, operate garage door whatever you connect, but it rejects the call - so no call charges (neat eh!).
This way you can have the number on voice dial and be really flash, but beware as you could unlock you precious car accidentally from anywhere.
Because primarily designed to operate gates they accept 12 volt to 36 volts ac/dc, if standing the car for some period best disconnect the unit to save battery.
Google gsm-eagle as they have several units, including one with two relays, you can program numbers to open relay 1, 2 or both so your number opens driver door or both doors, partners number opens only passenger door, with a clever bit of wiring mother-in-laws number opens both relays which only opens the boot lol!

. Cost is about £165.00
but other cheaper far east makes are available