Car Internet Radio App Out Now as Free Download

Car Internet Radio App Out Now as Free Download


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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Livio Radio has just made its Livio Car Internet Radio app for iPhone available as a free download in the iTunes App Store. The app offers hundreds of Internet-based radio programming options streamed through your 3G/Edge or Wi-Fi connection, and was among the Top 20 finalists at the 2010 International Consumer Electronic Show's Mobile Apps Showdown. It is also the first mobile Internet radio solution optimised for use in your vehicle, and boasts the facility to search over 42, 000 stations, with six large programmable preset buttons to make it easier for drivers to tune to the stations that they want. The app also adds Facebook sharing as well as Twitter, so that you can post your favourite stations to your social network feed.

“Being stuck in traffic sucks and while good music is no remedy it certainly helps. We know what traffic is like in big commuter cities and we’re on a mission to improve that drive for everyone by offering more music with less work for free.”

Jake Sigal, Livio Radio's founder and CEO

The Livio Car Internet Radio app is available now as a free download, and there's also a premium version available for $4.99.

Source: Livio
Music is always a soothing remedy, especially during a long drive stuck in traffic! Thanks.
There is a few things out there that I have found. Shoutcast app is free and you can listen to any type of music.

One I got Which is not free. Dub Siren which acts like an old Jamaican sound system effects board but packed inside is a radio tuner of like 50 stations or so that is all dub, reggae, danchall and dubstep. If you are into this stuff it's well worth it and it will stream in the background too.
Ok after using it I don't like it. Reason being it keeps wanting to buffer even in wifi I went to settings messed around trying to find a buffer sweet spot and nothing. While listening it stops to buffer I tried different stations same thing.
Ok after using it I don't like it. Reason being it keeps wanting to buffer even in wifi I went to settings messed around trying to find a buffer sweet spot and nothing. While listening it stops to buffer I tried different stations same thing.

Worked great for me. The sound is pretty good. The only thing I didn't like about it is it didn't have Filipino stations.
Ok after using it I don't like it. Reason being it keeps wanting to buffer even in wifi I went to settings messed around trying to find a buffer sweet spot and nothing. While listening it stops to buffer I tried different stations same thing.

Worked great for me. The sound is pretty good. The only thing I didn't like about it is it didn't have Filipino stations.

Oops, I spoke too soon. I was looking for it under languages but I found it under countries.

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