Catch 22 with Apple ID, ID exists, but I cannot access it or reset it's password!

Catch 22 with Apple ID, ID exists, but I cannot access it or reset it's password!

The Dude

New Member
Thread Starter
Jan 16, 2013
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Hi Everyone,

I am stuck in a bit of a "catch 22" with regard to my Apple ID.

When I first setup my iPhone 5 I registered for a new Apple ID (this being the first Apple product that I have used).

However I did not act on the verification email that was sent to my Gmail account in a timely fashion. Now when I attempt to download Apps from the App Store I am stuck, and furthermore when I go to reset the password on my ID I do not receive an email with password recovery information.

There are two facts that I must state before I receive a response such as "how do you know that your Apple ID exists?" -

1). I did receive a "Please verify the contact email address for your Apple ID" email into my Gmail account (the same one that I linked to my Apple ID)
2). Whenever I go to the My Apple ID "Reset My Password" page ( and enter My Apple ID it is accepted, and I am then presented with the following (after having selected "Email Authentication") -


...however I do not actually receive any emails into my Gmail account (and I have checked Spam, etc).

If I click on the original "expired" verification email that is in my Gmail account I see the following -


How do I get around this? Do I need to delete my original Apple ID off my iPhone 5 and then create a new one.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards,

Go to and manage your id. You should be able to correct your problem.
Hi thewitt,

Your advice is exactly what I have been attempting to do - as can be seen in the screen shots that I posted.

Kind Regards,

Hi Alice Pattinson,

Unfortunately the issue persists. Given the lack of feedback on this forum I am beginning to think that the only way to fix this issue is to create a new Apple ID.

Kind Regards,

Go to your local apple store and talk to a genius who can walk you thru the options.

We correct these problems thru the options on the website all the time - dozens of these a month across our user base.

Though you can throw away the I'd you created and start over, it's salvageable. Log in and manage your account if you can. Don't just resend the email.

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