Chrome for iOS Gets Updated With Facebook,Twitter and Email Sharing Features

Chrome for iOS Gets Updated With Facebook,Twitter and Email Sharing Features


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Jun 18, 2010
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9to5 Mac reports that Chrome for iOS has just had a major update, ushering in some new sharing features that are bound to be very popular with users. Specifically, you can now share directly from Chrome for iOS to social networks Twitter, Facebook, or Google+, or share via email. Also included in the update are various stability and security tweaks, and the usual bug fixes, which result from feedback from users. Here are those main features in full, courtesy of Google:

• Ability to share directly from Chrome to your favorite social network or via email
• More actionable sync sign in error messages
• Improved language detection for welcome tour
• Fixes for pages loading blank in Incognito* mode
Nice to see Google adding these touches to what is already a very popular iOS browser.

Click here to download Chrome for iOS for free: App Store - Chrome

Source: Chrome for iOS updated with social and email sharing features, bugfixes and optimizations | 9to5Mac | Apple Intelligence
Chrome Releases: Chrome for iOS Update

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