Classic Rockstar Shooter Max Payne is on Sale for a Limited Time Only

Classic Rockstar Shooter Max Payne is on Sale for a Limited Time Only


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Jun 18, 2010
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Max Payne on sale in App Store.webp

Pocket Gamer reports that Rockstar Games’ classic action shooter Max Payne is currently on sale in the App Store for £1.49/$1.99, so grab it while you can!

Max Payne is the game that brought Bullet Time to video games, and is well worth checking out if you’ve never played it before. First released in 2001, the storyline centres around a man on the edge, fighting for justice after a great tragedy has befallen his family, all set in the grimy underbelly of New York during the worst blizzard for a century.

The iOS version of the game first came out in 2012, and has had several significant updates since, including improvements to the controls, as well as MFi controller support. Even better, the game still supports really early iOS devices such as the iPhone 3GS and iPad 1, and only requires iOS 6 to use, so you’ve really got no excuse not to buy it!

Click here to download: Max Payne Mobile on the App Store

Sources: Max Payne Mobile is on sale, updated with MFi controller support and enhancements for 64bits devices, Rockstar, iTunes

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