Comcast Updates iPhone/iPod touch Xfinity TV App with VOD

Comcast Updates iPhone/iPod touch Xfinity TV App with VOD


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Jun 18, 2010
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Engadget reports that Comcast has just upgraded its iPhone/iPod touch Xfinity TV app with video-on-demand streaming (VOD). However, just as with the iPad app, which has had VOD since April, the streaming service is only available over Wi-Fi. One bonus is that unlike Cablevision and Time Warner’s iPad apps you can stream the content over any Wi-Fi connection, without being tied to your own home Wi-Fi setup. The app's featured networks have increased to 25 with the update, and between them they now have a total of 6,000 hours of video available for your viewing pleasure, featuring shows from channels such as HBO, Starz, Showtime, Cinemax, BBC America and Cartoon Network. The app will also automatically give you mobile access to the same channel line-up that you use at home, so that you can replicate your home viewing experience when on the move.

Comcast subscribers can click here to download the free app: XFINITY TV for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store

Source: Comcast brings Xfinity TV VOD to iPhone, iPod Touch, but only on WiFi -- Engadget
I get to watch all of my DISH Network programming and all of my DVR recordings while I’m on the go. It’s nice because I get all of it instead of just some of it anywhere there’s Wi-Fi or mobile 3G network. I work for DISH and when I heard that Comcast was on there way to doing this same thing I was a little surprised, mostly because DISH accomplished this last year.

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