Companionlink any good?

Companionlink any good?


New Member
Thread Starter
Mar 6, 2012
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I'm new to the forum and hoped to learn if Companionlink may work for me. I run 64-bit Windows 7, Outlook and an iPhone 4s. I've set up the iTunes one-way PC to iPhone contact and calendar sync. I would love to have a two-way sync. Is Companionlink a bulletproof option?
While I'd love for you to try out CompanionLink, I'd be remiss if I didn't let you know that you should be able to enable 2-way sync within iTunes. If iTunes sync will handle the data you need, then I simply suggest looking into enabling 2-way sync in iTunes. If it won't handle the data you need, then definitely give CompanionLink a try. It's free to try, and we're here to help if you have questions.

Hope that helps!

Thank you for your reply! I admire your integrity! You could have simply sold me on Companionlink but chose to assist me with what I had. I renewed my attempt to find a way to set up a two-way sync of contacts and calendars between iPhone and Outlook. I found that you have to enable the iTunes add-in within Outlook. Once I did that, everything works a treat!