Configuring new Apple ID

Configuring new Apple ID


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Mar 12, 2012
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Hi, bare with me if this is the wrong place to post, am new...I had to change my Apple ID as I was dropping the email address so changed it in iTunes on laptop and disabled it on Settings as advised on 'Support' but when I try to download an App via phone it still comes up with my old ID and says ID is invalid...have synced and everything!! Please help, thank you!
Maybe you didn't change the ID on the phone and/or the store?

1) On the phone, go to Settings - Store and find the line at the bottom that shows your Apple ID. If its the new one, don't do anything more with this step. If its the old one, press that line and then select "Sign Out." Then, press it again and sign in with the new ID.

Or, maybe...

2) At the bottom of a page in the App Store (I used Top 25 page), you'll see a line for your Apple ID. If its not your new one, then do the same as in above - sign out and then sign in with your new ID.

Of course, this assumes you changed your ID Via Apple's web site and not just created a new one. A new ID is not the same as changing the old one (and new IDs cannot be merged).

Hopefully, some of this helped. Do let us know how you get on.

Thank you SO much, I shall give it a go!
Hi Marilyn, it worked...! Thank you very much indeed, really appreciate your help, if only the Apple support was as good!! Bolly
As my problem is very similar to what Bolly had, I am taking the liberty of posting directly into this thread. Hope that is OK, or should I be starting a new thread altogether?
My son gave me (hand-me-downs already coming my way!) his iPhone 3GS. I already have an iPad2, and have installed iTunes in my computers some time back. As described by you in the reply above: "1) On the phone, go to Settings - Store and find the line at the bottom that shows your Apple ID. If its the new one, don't do anything more with this step. If its the old one, press that line and then select "Sign Out." Then, press it again and sign in with the new ID. "
I changed the ID in Settings to my own Apple ID.
BUT.... when I try and update any App and it brings up the Apple ID screen, the ID showing there is my son's apple ID

How do I change that, please?
...[snip discussion of using own Apple ID]...BUT.... when I try and update any App and it brings up the Apple ID screen, the ID showing there is my son's apple ID

How do I change that, please?

Unfortunately, you can't. The apps were purchased by your son and they are forevermore tied to his Apple ID. To update them, you son will have to log in to your iPad, do the updates and then log back out. Apple's rule is: The initial purchase of an app stays with the Apple ID that purchased it and Apple IDs cannot be merged.

So, you'll just have to schedule time for your son to do the updates, delete the apps from your iPad or delete them from your iPad and re-purchase them under your own Apple ID. However, since Apple's EULA says that family members can share apps, I wouldn't spend the money again...

Even though this really doesn't give you the answer you probably want - hope it helps.


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