Crank Calls

Crank Calls


New Member
Thread Starter
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Hi Everyone,

For the last two weeks I have been getting crank calls to my iPhone from all over the US on a daily basis whereas before I was not receiving any. When I answer the person at the other end does not say anything and when I decline the calls no voicemail is left.

Has anyone experienced this? Any ideas outside of socially networking as to what is causing this? I Guess I can call block each number individually but does anyone know of a more efficient way to handle?

HGolightly said:
Hi Everyone,

For the last two weeks I have been getting crank calls to my iPhone from all over the US on a daily basis whereas before I was not receiving any. When I answer the person at the other end does not say anything and when I decline the calls no voicemail is left.

Has anyone experienced this? Any ideas outside of socially networking as to what is causing this? I Guess I can call block each number individually but does anyone know of a more efficient way to handle?


Are they calling under a private number? If not you can block them.
Are you sure they are crank calls? Tis the season for annoying political calls. Sometimes they are automated and if you do not say "hello" loud enough it confuses the machine.....
seneca18 said:
Are you sure they are crank calls? Tis the season for annoying political calls. Sometimes they are automated and if you do not say "hello" loud enough it confuses the machine.....

This is also very true.
Hi Everyone,

For the last two weeks I have been getting crank calls to my iPhone from all over the US on a daily basis whereas before I was not receiving any. When I answer the person at the other end does not say anything and when I decline the calls no voicemail is left.

Has anyone experienced this? Any ideas outside of socially networking as to what is causing this? I Guess I can call block each number individually but does anyone know of a more efficient way to handle?


Me personally I'd answer ever call and be as arrogant or rude or sarcastic or cheeky etc etc which ever you decide for each call until they finally get bored and move on.

For example. Answer the phone and go, "Hi....... Let me tell you what I've done today, you're not going to believe this, I was out shopping this morning when a bird flew into a glass window and, well i know.... It made me laugh myyyy head off. But the bird just shook its feathers, spun around hoped a little and flew off..... Oh I know it was truly amazing I couldn't help but ring everyone I know and tell them all about it, ohhhh I know ... By this time they've probably hung up. Don't give them an opportunity to butt in or even speak at the beginning just waffle on about nothing every time. they'll honestly just think you're a bark raving loon pot and move on, trust me!

Me personally I'd answer ever call and be as arrogant or rude or sarcastic or cheeky etc etc which ever you decide for each call until they finally get bored and move on.

For example. Answer the phone and go, "Hi....... Let me tell you what I've done today, you're not going to believe this, I was out shopping this morning when a bird flew into a glass window and, well i know.... It made me laugh myyyy head off. But the bird just shook its feathers, spun around hoped a little and flew off..... Oh I know it was truly amazing I couldn't help but ring everyone I know and tell them all about it, ohhhh I know ... By this time they've probably hung up. Don't give them an opportunity to butt in or even speak at the beginning just waffle on about nothing every time. they'll honestly just think you're a bark raving loon pot and move on, trust me!


Haha you do this?

Sent from my  iPhone 4S using Tapatalk ☠
Get an Arnold Schwarzenegger sound board on your computer and use it the next time one of these people calls you.......:)

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