Customizable Photo Gallery

Customizable Photo Gallery


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Sep 7, 2010
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Can anyone tell me, short of jail breaking, if there is an app that allows you to move pictures between photo folders, from camera roll to existing folders, etc? It's so aggravating to have to do all picture maintenance on the computer. It's the one thing I miss from the android photo gallery apps. Thanks!
I use "Photo Folder". You can load in images from the camera roll and put them in many different folders. Folders can be named or colorized.
I use "Photo Folder". You can load in images from the camera roll and put them in many different folders. Folders can be named or colorized.

Scintie - Question: When you create a normal new folder in the current Apple Camera app for pictures, it copies them so now you have two copies of pics - one in new folder and the original in the regualr main folder. Does Photo Folder do the same or actually MOVE the pictures?
It copies the photos. Then you can delete them from the camera roll after they are copied into photo folder. I don't know of any app that will delete the pictures itself.