Cydia free app help

Cydia free app help


New Member
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Feb 8, 2012
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I know I've been posting a lot of threads lately but I just jailbroke my iPhone 4 and not an expert at it yet and just wanna make sure I don't screw up my device. I was wondering how to get the free cydia apps? Not sure how to get them??
By free cydia apps do u mean the paid cydia app or just any apps either way ur gonna hav to add sources to cydia to get apps the default sources don't hav much to offer type cydia sources on Google that should tell u all u need to know
yamileon said:
By free cydia apps do u mean the paid cydia app or just any apps either way ur gonna hav to add sources to cydia to get apps the default sources don't hav much to offer type cydia sources on Google that should tell u all u need to know

That's what I mean. How exactly do I add sources and what sources should I use?
You don't need to add any sources, all the sources you will ever need are included with Cydia by default. The other sources contain piracy which is not allowed here.
Yeah...jimills is kind of right.

Pretty much most known sources that are not default are piracy related.

But here are a few none-default sources that are not: (excluding "http://") (biteSMS beta) (Ryan Petrich's repo)

Just a few "official" developer repo that are not piracy related.
You don't need to add any sources, all the sources you will ever need are included with Cydia by default. The other sources contain piracy which is not allowed here.

I totally agree with you and that's why I told the poster to search on google
Well...I for one "need" to add sources to even use the some of the tweaks I paid for.

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