Cydia troubles

Cydia troubles


New Member
Thread Starter
Jun 21, 2011
Reaction score
Savannah, GA
Ok.. I'm running 6.1.2 and jail broken on an ip5. Really haven't had any problems until some time ago when I noticed Cydia started giving an error message about not being able to merge lists and too many packages or something. Now I can't get into the "packages" directory to manage them. Actually nothing in Cydia works now. The phone and everything else seem fine.
I DID save blobs via tiny umbrella. I'm not real familiar with that program and never had to restore using it. I did try and of course I couldn't figure it out. I had tiny umbrella and its server running and then opened iTunes and held shift and hit the restore-firmware button and navigated to the 6.1.2 ipsw that I downloaded off the net somewhere... No luck. Just a "1600" error message. Then I tried putting the phone into dfu and trying everything I just mentioned above again. No luck. Played hell getting it back out of dfu but I'm back where I started now.

Any help would be appreciated. Could I just re-jailbrake using my evaSion? It saw my phone and said it was already jailbroke and does NOT recommend attempting to jailbrake again. So I didn't. Could I, though?
Please help
Too many packages means that you've entered too many repos with redundant packages, or you simply used too many piracy repos. Put your device into Safe Mode assuming you have MobileSubstrate and Substrate Safe Mode installed and remove the repos, or SSH into your device and clean out the repository list, leaving only the default repos in /etc/apt/sources.list.d.

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