cydia tweaks not showing on

cydia tweaks not showing on


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Jan 17, 2012
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Hey guys, couple days ago my iphone entered a state of constant rebooting, disallowing
me enough time to even start sbsettings to start in safe mode. after prodding the interwebz
a little some one suggested me to delete some file (dynamic something...) down in the iphone
depths (using i-funbox) which will negate all the tweaks installed through cydia which one of
probably caused this problem. It was truly moronic of me to delete said file without backing
it up first but it did solve the problem and my iphone started working right again( he has RISEN)
like that guy said all the cydia tweaks were negated--- negated not deleted --- i could still
see them as installed on cydia, and here is the problam(finally) whenever i try to install a tweak
it doesnt show up on the native setting app... help someone(if your still here that is)...

my iPhone is a black 16GB 4.2.1

btw i tried reinstalling mobilesubtrate and to restore to an iTunes backup from
before the moronic incident and re-installing the tweaks...
Hi hun. Sounds like a really big mess.

Restoring to a backup from itunes will do nothing for your tweaks.

My suggestions:

1) go to cydia and remove/reinstall each tweak one by one
2) perform a restore/setup as new from itunes (going either to 4.2.1 via shift-restorw if you have shsh blobs) or to 5.0.1 (if you dont rely on an unlock ,meaning if yor phone isnt from another carrier other than your own).
And then re-jailbreak.

And make sure you do research before deletig things :)
wow that was quick xD.... thanks for the speedy reply marilina but i already tried removing/installing and i was trying to avoid a solution such as factory restore even though i have saved my shsh blobs, but it seems like it my only way.... thing is that if i do restore it would mean ill need to set my iPhone as new seeing as restoring it from back up will just renew the problem right?(guessing here) and by setting it as new i lose info like contacts sms conversations notes game savefiles etc(still guessing here)...might have to keep looking for an answer....

and yes in the future ill be more careful about my iPhone...thanks again
Hold on

1)download MyContacts backup from appstore free and backup your contacts in 30 seconda

2) download datadeposit from cydia and save all your apps/games data (can be restored later. You only need a dropbox free account).

3) perform a right click/transfer purchases and backup iphone in itunes

4) do your restore/setup as new, re-jailbreak, then SYNC your apps back in, not restore(yes it will bring back probs), restore contacts, and then reinstall datadeposit and do a restore of your games and data

Also, for sms convos, download iExplorer, hook up your phone, and go to var/mobile/library/SMS/ and copy sms.db on your desktop and when you rejailbreak you can put it back :)

Anything else you need pm me
your a life saver.... seriously..wanted to pm you but cant, need to reach 5 posts first. last thing i need and then i stop nagging xD can you point me to a guide on restoring to 4.2.1 using saved SHSH blobs??( a number of reasons i dont want to upgrade to ios 5)
GMoney said:
your a life saver.... seriously..wanted to pm you but cant, need to reach 5 posts first. last thing i need and then i stop nagging xD can you point me to a guide on restoring to 4.2.1 using saved SHSH blobs??( a number of reasons i dont want to upgrade to ios 5)

Sending you a pm :)
Hey guys, can you help me. I just jailbroken my ipad2 ios 5.0.1 two days ago. On the first day i install a few thing on
Cydia an it work fine after a few days i try to install an app it can install the app but the app do not show up on the
Homescreen or the other page and the setting.i also try to reinstall the app but it still not working. Where is the app go and how to make it show on the homescreen? Please reply my message. I realy need an answer.
Hey guys, can you help me. I just jailbroken my ipad2 ios 5.0.1 two days ago. On the first day i install a few thing on
Cydia an it work fine after a few days i try to install an app it can install the app but the app do not show up on the
Homescreen or the other page and the setting.i also try to reinstall the app but it still not working. Where is the app go and how to make it show on the homescreen? Please reply my message. I realy need an answer.
What is the name of the application you are talking about?


And a few more app
do you mean whatsapp? if yes, you should look for it in the app store instead of looking for it in cydia. As for wifibooster, i think it's a tweak which doesn't have any icon.

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