Data Usage Breakdown

Data Usage Breakdown


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Feb 27, 2014
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Hi all, new to the forum. First post so be gentle.

First off, my family is an Android family, but during the last upgrade cycle on VZW my daughter decided that the iPhone was more to her suiting. So now I have to support it too.

Before you flame me, I did search and found several posts that were close to what I need and after 3 pages of hits; I gave up reading.

Also during our last upgrade, we had to switch to the Shared Family plan so we (I) micromanage data now. Anyway, my daughter's iPhone 5 has suddenly started using a tremendous amount of data. She hooks onto the WiFi at the house and when she has it available outside the house. I asked if she was doing something different and she said she wasn't. The question is, is there an app for iPhone that will allow me to see what apps are using so much data. I asked her to look through her settings to see if she could find something that would tell and she said she couldn't find anything (she is fairly tech savvy). I don't suspect her doing anything wrong, she handed me the phone when I asked about it, but I didn't have time to look at it at the time. Any help will be greatly appreciated and thanks in advance.

By default, the stock iOS 7 has a couple of guzzlers turned on at all times. The biggest guzzlers would be Data Pushing from day your Social Media, emails,etc, and the second would be background app refresh.

To turn off email pushing, head to Settings > Mail, Contacts and Calendar, and for Push, set it to Manual. Next, head to Settings > General > Background App Refresh, and toggle off the master switch. If your daughter also uses Skype, it's best to sign out or turn off the feature to keep Skype running at all times.

Next, head to Settings > iTunes and AppStore, and toggle off all switches for Automatic Downloads because it will check for updates made and available at intervals and will kill your battery as well as data allowance

See how well these several factors work. Also to see the breakdown of data usage (to some extent, head to Settings > Cellular and it should list your data usage by app and how much per app

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Turn off cellular data for the stupid stuff like settings and pass book
Had the same problem on a iPod and it was useing 2 mbp per second, ended up being iMessage
Restore phone, Turn imessege of and do not use FaceTime it is a data leak bug an is not her falt
I speak from exasperatece with this, made me scared when getting my iPhone
I use less than 300 mb on cellular but use wifi a lot
Good luck
Call the cell company if u go over and get a credit

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Thanks for the replys guys, I appreciate it. I'll have a go at it tonight and see if I can't get it back under control.

Tech Guy, I realize it isn't her fault. She is very conscientious young lady.

I had the same thing happen and I compleetly understand as I check useage dayly

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