different folders for video and pictures?

different folders for video and pictures?


New Member
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Apr 5, 2012
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hello Is there a application out there that will have the iphone put video taken into a video folder and then pictures taken into a pictures folder ? Thanks for any info.
hello Is there a application out there that will have the iphone put video taken into a video folder and then pictures taken into a pictures folder ? Thanks for any info.
If you have your iPhone updated to iOS 5.0+... this is already taken care of for you.
I do have 5.0.1 and I dont see a option for that? I only have 1 picture folder/
ah ha I found it but its empty if i create a video with the iphone it still puts it in the photos folder?
Nope I just tried it took a video and it put it in photos icon folder . when I open video icon folder it tells me "NO VIDEOS you can download videos from itunes" I must be missing something? ?