Documents Reveal Apple's Plans to Test Self-Driving Car at Former Navy Base

Documents Reveal Apple's Plans to Test Self-Driving Car at Former Navy Base


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Jun 18, 2010
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According to a report on Autoblog, referring to the original exclusive story in the UK’s Guardian newspaper, engineers from Apple have been making enquiries about a former navy base that is now used to test self-driving cars and other such futuristic vehicles.

Apple has not given any clue about what it might be wanting to test at the GoMentum Station automotive testing facility, which is located in the San Francisco Bay Area city of Concord, but that’s no surprise whatsoever, given the company’s reputation for secrecy.

“We don’t know. They haven’t said what they want to test. It could be an iPhone,” laughed Jack Hall, program manager for connected vehicles and autonomous vehicles at GoMentum Station.

GoMentum Station already has a contract with Honda for testing automated vehicle systems, and clearly hopes to do further such business with Apple, if the latter company hasn’t been frightened off by GoMentum Station’s disclosure of its dealings with Apple.

Photo credit: Connected Vehicles CV Program - GoMentum Station

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