Downloaded iTunes

Downloaded iTunes


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May 16, 2015
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Hi, I downloaded iTunes in PC then try to install but pop up appears what is that means tks
What version of Windows are you running?
Sounds like you have never installed any of the service packs for Windows 7 (or you are running Vista or earlier version). In either case you need to update your system, not only to run iTunes but to protect yourself from malicious websites and unscrupulous people out there in internet land.
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Thank you I will ask my IT office colleague for latest version.
Thank you I will ask my IT office colleague for latest version.
Make sure you schedule enough time for the update. The last time I updated from a very early version of Windows 7, there were over 300 updates that took over a day to fully download and install. If you have a fast internet connection your time may be shorter.
Ok I bring to office at there we had fast fibre optic connection.