Draw Something is the Latest iOS Smash Hit Game to Play With Friends

Draw Something is the Latest iOS Smash Hit Game to Play With Friends


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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[FONT=&amp]Peter Kafka at AllThingsD writes today about the latest iOS and mobile gaming phenomenon, OMGPOP’s Draw Something, which looks like being the next big iOS gaming smash hit, with developers OMGPOP announcing today that the game has been downloaded more than 4 million times since its release, topping the charts in multiple iTunes App Store categories, including No 1 Free App, No 1 Paid App, No 1 Word Game and No 1 Puzzle Game. [/FONT]

“We have been shocked at how fast it has grown,” said CEO Dan Porter. “And the usage has been insane. We are seeing 1 million drawings made every hour.”

As Kafka explains, Draw Something is basically Pictionary for mobiles, and as he says, its appeal is similar to that of Words With Friends, except you don’t have to spell to play!

[FONT=&amp]OMGPOP says that the game owes its success not to press coverage, but instead to word of mouth via social networking platforms such as Twitter and Instagram.[/FONT] “People are taking to these social channels to share their drawings, and that is causing the game to spread,” said Porter.

[FONT=&amp]In Sweden, 1 out of every 5 iPhone users has downloaded the game. Worldwide, celebrities from Questlove to My Chemical Romance have been tweeting about it and creating their own drawings. Draw Something is available in a free-to-play, ad-supported version on both iPhone and iPad, and there’s also a premium version costing $0.99, which is ad-free and has a larger word list. Both versions have in-app purchases available, including hints and extra colour palettes. [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Click here to download: App Store - Draw Something Free[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Source: Draw Something Is a Hit for OMGPOP CEO Dan Porter - Peter Kafka - Media - AllThingsD[/FONT]
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The actual game is Draw my thing on OMGPOPs website and it's originally---partnered with Gaiaonlie.

Sent from my  iPhone 4 using iPF.net App available in the App Store
I just dloaded the app and have started playing with it. Very cool. Thanks for the share!

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