error 3194?

error 3194?


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Oct 28, 2012
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3gs, jailbroken, had 6.15 but then i downgraded the BB

i have 5.1.1 now but my phones acting funny - it takes forever just to turn on...

so i want to do a "restore" so i got 5.1.1 ipsw, but when i go to restore to it i get unknown error 3194

i heard hosts file can cause a problem so i got rid of the stuff...and i removed my antivirus for the time being....

what can i do? i tried restoring in dfu mode AND restore mode AND pwned dfu mode and get same error.

if i just upgrade it to ios6, will i be able to shift+click back to 5.1.1?
on ios6 now...
what helped me is using microsoft fixit for me to fix the hosts file...reboot

then restore/update as new phone and im on ios 6....hope its not far seems okay...its not bad right?

Sent from my iPhone
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You can downgrade back to iOS 5 if you'd like or if you have the SHSH blobs to do so, which I would assume you do. There's also an untethered for iOS 6.0(.1) if you want to jailbreak your device again.
im trying to downgrade to ios 5 - i have regular BB but i keep getting error 3194...

i added to my hosts file and now i just get error 11....

what is going on? why cant i shift + click and go back to 5.1.1?
uninstalled itunes - reinstalled with new download now its saying i dont have privleges to install...its my computer - im the only user and administrator :S

now my lovely iphone is stuck in recovery.....god i can see why people hate apple
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well todays been bad, especially with my mood disorder - but after 8 hours i figured out the best way.

as mentioned earlier get 5.1.1 shsh blobs....BUT instead of itunes - use the latest redsnow to restore.

i ran redsnow in admin, went to more and more and did restore - picked the 5.1.1 ipsw, then my shsh which i got from tiny umbrella, then threw that biznatch in dfu, then restored with the new stiched ipsw, and BASAWA - like a bouse...

accomplishment - but at what cost? i screamed and yelled all day - yelled at parents got in fight - wasnt worth it :( damn u society

cuz i know i wont get a gf if i dont have a macbook and my iphone next semester, maybe one day ill wake up and this wil all just be a dream :(

confused on one thing though - in the old days we could just use like say we had ios 5 but official BB - we could just grab a ios 3 ipsw and restore to it in itunes no problem.

so why is it so hard now?????
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My advice is to steer clear of iTunes whenever possible. Do it manually or with better methods. RedSn0w should e the go-to for restores, especially in jailbroken devices.
My advice is to steer clear of iTunes whenever possible. Do it manually or with better methods. RedSn0w should e the go-to for restores, especially in jailbroken devices.

What are some ways to do it manually? I just learned today redsn0w can restore....otherwise would you say ifaith or something?
Nope. I'd fully stuck with RedSn0w. Manually I mean using FTP or iExplorer to manually drag an drip the contents from your iPhone right onto your computer as backing up
willerz2 said:
Nope. I'd fully stuck with RedSn0w. Manually I mean using FTP or iExplorer to manually drag an drip the contents from your iPhone right onto your computer as backing up

Ah nice, thanks

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