Exhausted every option to fix my phone

Exhausted every option to fix my phone


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Feb 15, 2013
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Hey everyone,

My iPhone 4 is beyond any level of screwed I have ever had to deal with, and I am really looking for some help because after three days I still cannot solve this. I realize this is a long post, but this is the absolute trickiest situation I have ever come across with an iPhone.

I have an iPhone 4, jailbroken, running 5.1.1. I have had this setup for over a year. I made the mistake of downloading a program called Mcleaner from cydia, which is basically iBlacklist. Installing this kicked my phone into safemode, which is not unusual for me because my OS is fairly old. However, once in safe mode, I could no longer open any apps. They close immediately after I open them, and rebooting does not escape safemode, so I could not uninstall Mcleaner. No apps would remain open, there was nothing really to do, and at this point I should have just restored it and been done with it.

However, I decided that because I had a viable backup and firmware files, I could try to fix it! So I used iExplorer and I simply deleted the Mcleaner files from my phone. And thus for the last three days I have been in an infinite boot loop at the Apple logo. I can plug my phone in, go in and out of DFU mode, iTunes can see it as my phone, I can even make backups, however, it is just stuck at the Apple logo.

Here's where it gets even trickier. After that happened, I said screw it, I'll just restore it, so I downloaded the 5.1.1 firmware. Tried to install, says "Not compatible with your device". I downloaded the firmware again from another site, same problem. Impossible to upgrade with that firmware. I tried it on my computer and on my friends computers, with various editions of iTunes, but at one point, the most recent version. So then I said screw it, I'll go to iOS 6.1. Not compatible with my device. Then I finally upgraded the iTunes on MY computer and it says that my Apple Mobile Device junk is all messed up, and I've re-installed iTunes twice and it has the same problem. However, my buddy has the latest version so it's all good.

So I cannot install any new OS, cannot restore from a backup due to a passcode lock, cannot get out of the infinite loop, tiny umbrella and that other program (starts with a D maybe? Designed to help people into DFU mode and break boot loops) does not help either. I want to just break my phone in half and buy a new iPhone.

Does anyone have anything that could possibly save me?
First off, make sure that you have the proper SHSH blobs for iOS 5.1.1 for your particular device. Second, make sure that the IPSW build matches your device. A GSM iPhone 4 has the header iPhone3,1_5.1.1. A CDMA iPhone 4 has the head iPhone3,3_5.1.1. That would be a possible solution to why you're getting the incompatibility issue with restoring.

Download the proper IPSW, DFU the iPhone and restore using iTunes to iOS 6.1, which requires iTunes 11. Or, you can use RedSn0w's restore feature if you're looking to restore to any other iOS.
Thanks for the response. I've always downloaded the correct OS file for my device.

I was under the impression that SHSH blobs and such were used if I want to downgrade my device in the future, or do whatnot in relation to jailbreaking. If I need them to do anything that is not in relation to jailbreaking, please let me know. Besides, TinyUmbrella always fails to saves mine and the logs ask "Do you have internet connectivity?", which, I do. So I don't really use or deal with or focus on SHSH blobs and saving my jailbreak right now, I just want a working phone.

- Download the proper IPSW, DFU the iPhone and restore using iTunes to iOS 6.1, which requires iTunes 11
This gives me the "This file is not compatible with your device" error.
SHSH blobs is used for jailbroken and stock devices. It doesn't matter what you're looking for as the end result. If you're looking to restore to a non-iOS 6.1 iPhone, you'll need blobs, which some users are picky about.

Use RedSn0w to restore and see what errors show up. Download RedSn0w 0.9.15 beta 3. Run it, DFU the iPhone, go to Extras > Even More > Restore. Select IPSW, point it to the IPSW of the iOS you're looking to restore to. If need be, select Remote for blobs and it'll stitch and restore your device. See what error RedSn0w gives you

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