Expired Software 2!

Expired Software 2!


New Member
Thread Starter
Aug 19, 2011
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My last thread on the subject was closed, however the point was. It really about beta software but expiring software. If future versions of software (firmware) expire then jailbreaking is DEAD! Oh and while we're on subject my first OTA update worked updating beta 5 to 6 without needing to connect to iTunes YAY!
Shadgrind said:
My last thread on the subject was closed, however the point was. It really about beta software but expiring software. If future versions of software (firmware) expire then jailbreaking is DEAD! Oh and while we're on subject my first OTA update worked updating beta 5 to 6 without needing to connect to iTunes YAY!

What are you talking about? You were running a beta and of course betas expire. Jail breaking is alive and it will continue to live until the world blows up literally...lol.

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