Explain best way for backing up my pictures please....

Explain best way for backing up my pictures please....


New Member
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Oct 25, 2011
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I use the cloud. When I sync my iPhone to my computer, under Photos, I only see an option for sync pictures 'From...', not to.... So I assume all of my pics on my phone are not being put on to my computer each time I sync? How can I sync them to my computer?
If your phone is jailbroken.
You can use iFunbox, you have to manually add or copy file from your phone. For me it is the best way to backup all photos, music, & videos from iPhone/iPod.

Copy all your photos in one folder where you want to sync it, then when you want to re-sync those photos just look for that folder you made.
When my phone backs up to the cloud and it backs up my pictures, if I delete some from my camera roll, the next time it backs up will it also delete those pics on the cloud also?
When my phone backs up to the cloud and it backs up my pictures, if I delete some from my camera roll, the next time it backs up will it also delete those pics on the cloud also?

No it will not delete those pics on the iCloud also.
See... When you have 10pics in your album right now 20/01/2012 01:00 and make a backup to iCloud, those 10pics will be in that backup in iCloud and that backup will be named with the date and the time when you performed the backup.
When tomorrow 21/01/2012 01:00 you delete 5pics out of those 10pics you were having and perform a backup to iCloud, that backup will have exactly 5pics and will be name with the date of tomorrow.
The day you will navigate to setting> iCloud> Storage & Backup/ there you will see that you are having 2 different backup with 2 different dates, the older backup having 10pics and the newer one having 5pics. You can backup as many as you want to iCloud provide you are having enough of space in your iCloud storage.

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