Extended Carrier Logo

Extended Carrier Logo


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Apr 18, 2011
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So I've been searching for weeks to get this solved.

A little background before I dive in. I'm new to these forums, so please bare with me. Pretty sure a lot of you guys are in major cities so you don't experience much Extended network logo issues. But I live in a small town and I barely get 3G on a good day. That being said, lets get started.

Being on Verizon, the carrier logo's are different files. Instead of ATT its Zeppelin. Etc etc... I can change my Verizon logo, I can change my extended logo, but not both at the same time.

Heres what I've done.

Credits to this site and thread.
How To Change Carrier Logo on Verizon iPhone


So I fiddled around and changed <string>Verizon</string> to <string>Extended</string> and Zeppelin to Extended. I can now see Verizon for the carrier logo, but when it switches to the extended carrier logo, I see the custom logo instead of extended. Wow, it worked. Then I tried doubling the said customization to the carrier.plist file, but no bueno. It pretty much erased one and kept the other. What I mean by that is this.


And again, no good. It would either delete the Verizon portion or the Extended, which ever was first.

Anyone have a work around for this? Because I've tried adding a 2nd string to it, an additional carrier name, i.e.; extended etc etc, but it wouldn't save. I'm desperate to unlocking the customization features of my own phone with the help of jailbreaking, but this is holding me back.

Please go easy, I'm not a noob, but I'm not accustomed to this forum quite yet. Any feedback would help.
All it means is that you are outside the range of Verizon's towers and are picking up another network's signal. It's free. Unfortunately, I don't think there's a way to fix it. Hope this helps.
Appreciate the reply. I guess what I intended to say without being long winded was, how can I get both the extended and Verizon/Zeppelin logo's to work side by side?
So after doing a five minute search, I reached my goal of being able to have both custom Verizon and extended carrier logos to work side by side. Here's my results and solution.


Best of luck!
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iJay said:
I'm looking at your post and feel like I am reading Latin. What the hell were you trying to do? Just curious??

No kidding...what the heck is a zeppelin Verizon extended thing...LMAO
I can't believe you actually took the time to write all of that, even worse I can't believe I took the read it, I just wasted 20 minutes of my life, thanks alot
I can't believe you actually took the time to write all of that, even worse I can't believe I took the read it, I just wasted 20 minutes of my life, thanks alot

LOLOLOLOLOL.....that was tooo funny terry.
Copy and paste friends.

For those outside of major cities (I have speculation that its hardly any of you, but for the few who are on Verizon) know that they have an Extended carrier which borrow towers from other companies so they don't have to charge customers roaming charges.

On the iPhone (duh) Verizon names the carrier logo's Zeppelin as their codename. For those who want to customize their carrier logo, all they have to do is edit their carrier.plist by adding the said lines.

Going back to my goal. Since I live in a small town I am in an area where I am on extended for the majority of the time. I wanted to customize both Verizon and Extended logos and have them work side by side. I found how to edit just the Verizon portion, copied pasted into plist, blah blah. It worked but then I saw Extended and wanted to change that one.

All in all, if you are in an area where you get Extended coverage/carrier logo and want to fully customize your logos, this is the solution.
woozabi10 said:
Copy and paste friends.

For those outside of major cities (I have speculation that its hardly any of you, but for the few who are on Verizon) know that they have an Extended carrier which borrow towers from other companies so they don't have to charge customers roaming charges.

On the iPhone (duh) Verizon names the carrier logo's Zeppelin as their codename. For those who want to customize their carrier logo, all they have to do is edit their carrier.plist by adding the said lines.

Going back to my goal. Since I live in a small town I am in an area where I am on extended for the majority of the time. I wanted to customize both Verizon and Extended logos and have them work side by side. I found how to edit just the Verizon portion, copied pasted into plist, blah blah. It worked but then I saw Extended and wanted to change that one.

All in all, if you are in an area where you get Extended coverage/carrier logo and want to fully customize your logos, this is the solution.

I am in an extended network area but it's a Alltel tower and my iPhone still says Verizon on it since I am sure the reason for this is they own Alltel however, I do go to rural areas and my iPhone will just say Extended as the network....I still don't know where you get this Zepplin thing and. I can't believe actually even still looking at this thread...possibly curiosity and/or boredom...lmao
To change the logo's you need to change the Zeppelin file. If you have iFile you can go into your system files. The directory is var/mobile/library/Carrier Bundles/Iphone/Zeppelin_US.bundle. on the at&t its att, verizon renamed it to zeppelin, thats where zeppelin comes from. To get the custom logos you would then edit the carrier.plist, copy the 2nd long winded post, search for static, the next line under it and paste it. It'll look something along these lines.


Hope it helps explain it even more.
:) it explained everything actually, everything.

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