Facebook Updates to 1.4 for iOS 4

Facebook Updates to 1.4 for iOS 4


iPhoneForums.net News Team
Thread Starter
Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
Bay Area, CA

Today, Facebook released it's 1.4 Update which includes the following changes:

  • Updated for iOS 4: Fast App Switching along with high resolution icons.
  • Korean and Russian localizations.
  • Other minor bug fixes.

I've been using it for a few hours and noticed something that ticked me off a little bit. There are still no Push Notifications for the chat feature. This wasn't a problem before since I was using a Jailbroken device with Backgroundr, a Jailbreak app that allows apps to run in the background. With the iOS 4 update this should be a must since they added Fast App Switching.

An icon should pop up telling you that you received a new message in chat. But instead, the app doesn't even update the chat until you reopen it. So much for taking advantage of the backgrounding feature.

Everything else is working fine to my liking and I do love the resolution update.
Is it just me or is facebook SUPER slow when it comes to updating their apps......

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