Factory reset jail broken iphone

Factory reset jail broken iphone


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Jan 5, 2013
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Hey guys I am on 706 iOS and what I was wondering is can I reset back to default just after I jail broke my device? I got a lot of cyndia apps and is rather start from scratch. To do this would I need to go to reset in iphone settings and that would bring me to non jail broken 706? Then just jailbreak again or is there an easier way ? I definitely so not want to lose jailbreak so Apple won't auto update me to latest iOS right ? I do have a backup of iphone stock on 706 before I jail broke it.

Hey guys I am on 706 iOS and what I was wondering is can I reset back to default just after I jail broke my device? I got a lot of cyndia apps and is rather start from scratch. To do this would I need to go to reset in iphone settings and that would bring me to non jail broken 706? Then just jailbreak again or is there an easier way ? I definitely so not want to lose jailbreak so Apple won't auto update me to latest iOS right ? I do have a backup of iphone stock on 706 before I jail broke it.


Unless you have an iPhone 4, you cannot restore any version of iOS 7 onto your phone other than iOS 7.1. The only iOS an iPhone 5 and higher can be restored to is iOS 7.1 (which is NOT jail-breakable).

You can use the iLex R.A.T. or Semi-Restore tweaks to "clean" your phone of everything with just the jail break remaining; you'll be on the same iOS with which you started.

One thing: under NO circumstances should you use the Reset option in your Settings app on the phone. It will mess up your jail break and your only option will be to restore with iOS 7.1.

So, you are either going to have to keep your phone as is, "clean" it with iLex R.A.T./Semi-Restore (keep the same installed iOS) or upgrade/restore to iOS 7.1 and lose the jail break.

Cool ilex seems like that is what I wanted. Is it pretty easy to use? I will google it later today. One thing I wish is if we could access safari download folder to delete the downloads we no longer need.
So if I understand you correctly, there is no way for me to update my jailbroken ios 6.1 iphone5 to an ios 7.0.6 iphone 5... Am I understanding you correctly?
So if I understand you correctly, there is no way for me to update my jailbroken ios 6.1 iphone5 to an ios 7.0.6 iphone 5... Am I understanding you correctly?
You understand perfectly. The only iOS version that you can upgrade to is the latest, iOS 7.1.
You understand perfectly. The only iOS version that you can upgrade to is the latest, iOS 7.1.

Well I guess that's it then... I was going to wait for the iPhone 6 to make a decision about moving to an Android "powered" device. Not so much any more; My first non Apple "information" device here I come!!!

iOS is just not worth ALL the drawbacks any more!
Not trying to debate or argue with you but I am curious what drawbacks you find make you want to leave your IOS based device, if yiou don't mind sharing.
Not trying to debate or argue with you but I am curious what drawbacks you find make you want to leave your IOS based device, if yiou don't mind sharing.


Actually, thanks for asking... isn't an open discussion what a good forum is all about?

Don't get me wrong, I think iOS is good... it's just not great and from Apple I expect GREAT!!! ( "Insanely Great" )

But mostly it has to do with how closed it is... I'll give you just one example.

Part of my job it to design and build networks; as i'm sure you are aware, part of every network these days is at least one AP (used to be called WAP). In my case I use a lot of APs' and a WiFi Analyzer can not be gotten threw the app store (nor for that matter a number of other network admin tools like nMap). So for that reason I have to jailbreak an iPhone while with Android there are a number of tools that are available to me.

Now you may say this is a geeky reason for a switch and it's true but there are other things that Apple is doing these days that tell me I should look at other OSes and see how good or not they are.

It all comes down to a question I have to ask myself; Since I'm not in love anymore shouldn't I go and look around for something I do?


Actually, thanks for asking... isn't an open discussion what a good forum is all about?

Thank you for satisfying my curiosity. It seems like you have needs that are not being met by IOS which makes exploring other options a good idea. Your reasons helped expand my knowledge so as you said, good to discuss.
that means if i jailbroken my iphone, i can not upgrade it directly?

If you mean, can you upgrade a jailbroken phone on the phone itself (using the over-the-air method available in the Settings app), then no.

You can always use iTunes to upgrade a jail broken phone. It's just that the iOS to which you can upgrade is iOS 7.1.1 - and that is not jail breakable.

It's one of the "penalties" of being jail broken - we cannot immediately upgrade to the newest iOS version. If we want to keep out jail breaks, we have to wait until an exploit has been found for the new version. So, usually, we're going to be an iOS version or so behind.
