Failed Evasi0n jailbreak. Phone stuck in DFU mode & can't get ITunes to restore.

Failed Evasi0n jailbreak. Phone stuck in DFU mode & can't get ITunes to restore.


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Apr 28, 2014
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Tried to jailbreak with evasions latest jailbreak. My phone (4S) was caught in an apple logo boot loop. Followed advice on another of Willerz post and was able to get phone into DFU mode and load 7.0.4 to do a custom restore. However when I went to iTunes and hit shift and the saved 7.0.4 ipsw file, iTunes brought up an error message (-23). I couldn't find an error message (-23) when I googled it. I'm really tired of messing with this jailbreak, so I decided to just do a total restore to 7.1.1 and forget it. (I need my phone back). When I hit restore, it kept saying it was trying to contact the ITunes Store and after about 30 mins, it timed out. I did this 3 times with no success. I have rebooted my computer several times, closed and opened ITunes, and changed the USB ports also.

im at the "end of my rope" with this. I live in Arkansas and with the unstable weather here last night, and clean up issues, I really need my phone. Can someone help me?
The error message that I received when I tried to load 7.0.4 was
"The IPhone could not be restored because the firmware file is not compatible.

My ITunes account doesn't even list my specific phone anymore. Just says iPhone 4S.
You cannot restore to iOS 7.0.4 as it's no longer being signed. Your only option is to restore to 7.1 or 7.1.1, neither of which are jailbreakable on the 4S.

Note that the 1.0.8 utility was pulled because it caused a known boot loop

Sent from my iPhone via Tapatalk Pro
Ok. That makes sense. Any ideas on why I can't do an actual restore to 7.1.1? I've been trying, this time, for 20-30 minutes and it just says 'contacting the iPhone software update server....' Nothing else seems to happen.
Ok. That makes sense. Any ideas on why I can't do an actual restore to 7.1.1? I've been trying, this time, for 20-30 minutes and it just says 'contacting the iPhone software update server....' Nothing else seems to happen.

Place the device into DFU mode, and manually select the IPSW if possible rather than just straight clicking the Restore button. This guide somewhat summarizes all the steps. For 2, go for the alternative method rather than TinyUmbrella as it tends to work a little better and accounts for computers that have not used TinyUmbrella before.
Ok. I'll try it. I can't even do an actual ITunes restore without getting an "unknown error occurred (-23)" message.
Error 23 has multiple causes. I'd recommend hard resetting your computer (just holding down the power button until it closes, aka a cold boot). If that doesn't work, try removing and reinstalling all aspects of iTunes. I don't see it being a baseband issue since we're talking about the iPhone 4S and not the 3GS or 4.

You can get the link to the original firmware file here.
Ok. So I downloaded the latest ios version on the list that you provided for my 4s (7.0.6). I went to Itunes and did the shift + Restore. It said that it could not restore the phone because the firmware was incompatible.nI also did a hard reset, but it didn't make any difference in the outcome.

I was also going to mention that my pc is running 64-bit Windows 8 professional. I purchased it as a refurbished unit from a company, due to it's having a 1TB HD and 8gb RAM. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with the (-23) error message, but I thought it was worth mentioning.
I let my phone battery go dead last night and hooked it up this AM. The apple logo loop came back again as it powered up. I put it in dfu mode as you wrote in an earlier post, and cleared my host file, temp files, etc. I followed everything that you mentioned (minus the TU portion). That's where I am now. Phone is still in dfu mode, attached to my pc by a USB cable....and I'm understanding the term "brick", more and more, as each day passes....
Ok. So I downloaded the latest ios version on the list that you provided for my 4s (7.0.6). I went to Itunes and did the shift + Restore. It said that it could not restore the phone because the firmware was incompatible.nI also did a hard reset, but it didn't make any difference in the outcome.

I was also going to mention that my pc is running 64-bit Windows 8 professional. I purchased it as a refurbished unit from a company, due to it's having a 1TB HD and 8gb RAM. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with the (-23) error message, but I thought it was worth mentioning.
I let my phone battery go dead last night and hooked it up this AM. The apple logo loop came back again as it powered up. I put it in dfu mode as you wrote in an earlier post, and cleared my host file, temp files, etc. I followed everything that you mentioned (minus the TU portion). That's where I am now. Phone is still in dfu mode, attached to my pc by a USB cable....and I'm understanding the term "brick", more and more, as each day passes....

Woops. It should be 7.1/7.1.1, my last update to the thread probably didn't go through since I believe I lost signal during the editing and saving process. I'll have the links to all 7.1/7.1.1 IPSWs up shortly

Sent from my iPhone via Tapatalk Pro

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