Family sharing and iCloud

Family sharing and iCloud


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Jan 19, 2016
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Bear with me, as I'm a bit dim when it comes to technical matters. OK, here's the situation for a start.

I've just signed up for the 3-month free trial of Apple Music, more specifically to the family account. For this account to work requires that other invited family members have an iCloud account.

This is no problem where my wife is concerned, as she already has such an account. My two children, both over 13, do not. What is more, they have neither Macs nor iOS devices, and, as I understand it, iCloud accounts can only be created on such devices. (It's not a problem that they don't have them for our purposes of course, since they can use Apple Music through iTunes on their Windows PCs and Android phones.)

The difficulty is this: how can I create an iCloud account for them? Can I do it on my iPhone or iPad, even though those are already connected to my own iCloud accounts? Once done (if it's possible), can I sign out of their newly created iCloud accounts on my device?

Sorry if I'm being thick here!
Don't create a new iCloud account for your children on your iPhone. There's a limit to the number of iCloud accounts you can create on one iDevice.

Use a browser on a computer, open, and you'll get the option to create a new ID (below the Sign In panel; instructions are at the top right). After creating one of them, sign out and create the next one. It's possible to repeat this until all of your children have an iCloud ID.

Hope that helps.
Thanks for your swift reply! Will this work from a PC too? (For my sins, I have one, though am saving for a Mac!) I thought you could only create iCloud accounts from Apple devices ....