File Management

File Management


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Jan 10, 2016
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Ok, I have a new iphone 6S+ that I am trying to load with a large number of podcasts and mp3 files. These files were collected over the years and are not currently contained within itunes. The plan is to load the files into itunes and then use playlists and or smart playlists to logically organize the information. Most of these files are stored on an external disk and grouped into folders.

It seems that Apple, in their zeal to maximize "control" has locked down this software (itunes) to the point that makes working with their devices a less than joyful experience. Stray off the path and things get real bad real fast.

I do not want pop up ads for Justin Beiber recordings, or features designed to incorporate social media into my audio experience. I simply want to import my own content and organize it within itunes so I can select and play the files from my existing collection.

Since my podcasts are meta-tagged as "podcasts" , I am having difficulty accessing them once copied to my iphone. What tool do you use to organize random podcast files that are not currently associated with a podcast player. Within itunes, they do not appear under music tab, and most podcasting software seems unable to adopt the files.

Why can't we simply drag, drop and create folders like on a PC or MAC. I had much better file management with a $45.00 mp3 player I purchased 10 years ago. Quit with the glitter, ads, and overall bloat and provide some basic functionality.

Any assistance with finding my "lost" podcasts would be appreciated.

You are trying to manage file using a file based system. IOS is an app-based system. Podcast can be organized, sorted and accessed on the Podcast App.