format 3gs (unlocked n jailbroken)

format 3gs (unlocked n jailbroken)


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Sep 21, 2011
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hello guys...
my 3gs has become lot slower recently...i tried deleting stuff but nothing is working so i have decided to, sort of format it.
It has------>>
IOS 6.1.2(10b146)
firmware 6.15.00
model MC5****/A
serial number ***0850A***
shsh blobs: ios 4.1, 4.3.4, 4.3.5, 6.0, 6.0.1, 6.1, 6.1.2, 6.1.3

i have created backup of my phone using itunes (11.0.2..)
i want to delete all of the data on my phone (including the ios, n jailbreak n unlock stuff as well if needed ;P )
i did a bit of research and came across a thread which said that erasing all content and setting will keep my unlock intact and ill just need to jailbreak again. Is this correct??
i have evasion n used it before to jailbreak same devise so i guess that wont be a problem for me..ill just erase all n use evasion..right?
or i will have to upgrade to 6.1.3..
please guide me here...
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first of all thanks...
but there is a problem...when i run terminal n give command rat it says -sh: rat: command not found..wat to do now?
n i used evasion to jailbreak it will this method be harmful for evasion?
Make sure that you've installed the correct one package. The repo offers 2 packages, one being the buggy GUI only, and one is the GUI + command.

No. This does not affect the jailbreak. At the end of the process, depending on which method you use, you'll either have a completely wiped device, or your device is rid of all tweaks. In your case, I'd recommend option 12

Sent from my iPhone via Tapa
thanks again...
i searched for terminal and mobile terminal and found only these two ( these two only looked wat i need) but none of them is working...both give the same error/esult... command not found"

1.0-1 150kb
Author: lordscotland

520-2 601kb
Author: MobileTerminal

both of these give the same result...dont know wats the problem but now i really really want to remove all the stuff even harder!! :p
wat is wrong here..? is there is another way to do this terminal thing, like by connecting device to pc..?

if there is no way to do it through pc or by device..(lets assume so for a second) , then how shall i proceed for deleting stuff n jailbreak again..

wat all will i need to do...since my devise is already on 6.1.2 so i have downloaded the 6.1.3 iOS.

after i erase all content and setting..i will need to use redsnow/iFaith for down grading (this part through the second link u provided)...
what i want to clarify is that, will i need to put in 6.0.1 or 6.1 (i only have 6.0 at this moment) iOS after erasing ? or i can put in 6.1.3 (by selecting iOS 6.1.3 from redsnow/ifaith) ??
if i cant put 6.1.3 at this moment then will i be able to upgrade my os to 6.1.3 after this restore?

lots of questions i know :/
thanks in advance..
It's not a terminal bug. The only time that the rat command does not work is if either you've installed the wrong ILEX RAT, or you didn't install it at all. Doing it through MobileTerminal or SSH Command Terminal methods via a computer are one and the same.

Selecting Erase All Contents and Settings through is ill-advised on jailbroken devices, particularly those using a non-RedSn0w utility to jailbreak. There are no obligations or dependencies on installing an older copy of iOS for any reason. Chances are, unless you've manually retrieved those blobs using iFaith or TU, your blobs are unusable since they're from Cydia.

Re-read the ILEX RAT procedure thoroughly.
OOPS here comes trouble....
----No Service!!----
what happened?? do i need to evasion it again?

here is what i did...
i was not able to run rat command cause i didnt had the ILEX RAT package installed so first i installed it and from there i installed "ILEX RAT" only and
then i ran the rat command in the terminal and selected 12--> yes n all n it started took a long time before all those removing this n that started comming
it all finished and it asked to reboot but before i could act code, this appeared into next line "myiphone: mobile$ ... i didnt knew what to do so i tried entering reboot restart but nothing happend it said comman not found so i manually switched the phone off and turned it turned ON and setup came...everything is wipped. iT has become a lot faster but....
now i am not getting any signals neither carrier option showing up in settings below Bluetooth.
under general tab im getting cellular(data) setting but under settings tab im not getting Carrier tab and there is no service or data services(from cellular, wifi working)
what happened i have to unlock or jailbreak it again?
please tell whatever i need to do now..
Depends on what unlock method you're using. Your APN settings are wiped, so if you had to input APN settings for your carrier, you'll have to enter them again. Jailbreaking again defeats the purpose of using ILEX RAT and would not affect the outcome since you'll still face the APN problem. If you used UltraSn0w to previously unlock, you'll have to reinstall the package and APN

Sent from my iPhone via Tapa
well APN settings are sometimes set automatically depending upon which sim im using...but right now option for APN or setting those settings manually is not coming, i guess since its locked thats why..

so i have to unlock it thats what it means right? if yes than ill need to jailbreak it again or there will be no need of that?
n how will i work with iOS versions..i mean im already on 6.1.2 baseband 6.15.0 do i change my iOS version n baseband or keep everything same?

i used ultrasnow before (didnt remembered but found it under cydia packages :P)
i want my devise unlocked jailbroken n working properly without any old stuff(which is already gone thanks :) ) no matter how much efforts it takes..

what went wrong here with ILEX RAT thing..why i have to unlock my devise again?
ok i uninstalled the ultrasnow, it showed some errors
and then restart the phn searched ultrasnow in cydia installed it again n rebooted n its working now unlocked. :)
APN settings are set automatically upon using a SIM on a factory unlocked or carrier unlocked device. Restoring or using ILEX RAT does not remove a factory or carrier unlock, so your device was unlocked using UltraSn0w.

You don't need to jailbreak again for anything. Your device is still jailbroken with everything wiped off your device. Cydia should still be on your springboard and accessible. I'm assuming your 3rd digit of your serial is a 9 as you provided the 4th 5th and 6th instead of the 3rd 4th and 5th digits all under the presumption that you've used UltraSn0w previously before using ILEX RAT.

UltraSn0w is a package, and depending on which version of UltraSn0w is installed, ILEX RAT may or may not preserve it. If your device was factory/carrier unlocked, ILEX RAT has no effect on it as it plays no on-board software role.
well thanks a lot for helping so much :)
ya by mistake i provided the 4th,5th n 6th digits...3rd number is its **108*****
ya cydia has ultrasnow (had actually..i removed n reinstalled it)...but cydia also has total of 36 packages still including evasion n ultrasnow, i kno ultrasnow n evasion cant be removed but what about other packages can i remove them?
i tried removing one (dont remember name of that) n it listed atleast 10-15 other packages that would be removed along with that one so i thought better back off :P hehe.
list of packages..>>

APT 0.7(apt-key)
APT 0.7 Strict (lib)
Base Structure
BigBoss Icon Set
Bourne-Again SHell
Core Utilities (/bin)
cydia installer
Cydia Translations
Darwin Tools
Debian Packager
Debian Utilities
Diff Utilities
evasi0n 6.0-6.1.2 Untether
Find Utilities
GNU Privacy Guard
LZMA Utils
Mobile Substrate
New Curses
Open SSH
Open SSL
PAM (Apple)
PAM Modules
Profile Directory
Substrate Safe Mode
Tape Archive
UlKit Tools

which ones can i remove out of these..? i dont intend to use cydia for any purpose now.
anyways thanks a lot :) (y)
It's unnecessary to remove any of those packages. 3/4 of them are default Cydia packages. Deleting of them will result in Cydia not working. OpenSSH and OpenSSL are together, and can be removed but not recommended as if your device ends up in a boot loop, or Cydia is crashing, you'll be able to use commands on your PC to resolve issues.

The mentality of using a jailbroken device is to not go "I need to delete everything that I feel is unnecessary". By doing so, I can personally guarantee that your device will have a boat load of issues. 9 out of 10 users that have problems with their jailbroken devices has done the exact same thing

Sent from my iPhone via Tapa
okey...thanks anyways plus my devise is working a lot faster so ill keep them for future needs :P
thank you.

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