Found an iPhone...

Found an iPhone...


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Apr 6, 2012
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I work at a high school. I found a 2nd generation (iPhone 3G) a couple months ago on the field. I turned it into lost and found and waited two months and then went back and claimed it. It had a lock code on it so I couldn't get into the contacts or find any info about getting it back to the owner.

When I picked it up from lost and found someone had obviously been trying to guess the pass code because the iPhone said try again in 6,946,362 minutes, lol. That's over 13 years!

So I swiped the phone and brought it back to factory settings. It seems to work fine and still holds a charge.

My question is does anyone know of any good games that work on iOS 4.1.2?

I downloaded a few but it's a long process because most the games say they won't work unless I have iOS 4.3.

So does anyone still use an old 3G? What apps run on it?

iOS 4.2.1 is the highest.

Sorry i was thinking of the iPhone 3gs.
I meant 4.2.1. Thanks. I'll check that link.
Just curious, for how long can we update the iOS on out phone? Is there a limit on how long we can receive an update?
Just curious, for how long can we update the iOS on out phone? Is there a limit on how long we can receive an update?

iOS updates are issued for older iPhones for as long as Apple feels they can handle it. At a certain point Apple stops the updates because the outdated hardware can no longer accept further iOS updates and remain functional.

scifan57, iPhone Forums Moderator

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