Freeing Up Space on 4S

Freeing Up Space on 4S


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Apr 18, 2012
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I am trying to free up space on my phone. In General Settings, under Usage, I note that Messages is using 186 MB of space. So, I opened Messages and noted that I have never deleted old messages! I then deleted all message threads by choosing Edit, then Delete for each one. Clean. I then powered my phone off and restarted it, hoping that would allow my changes to compute. Nope! Messages still shows 186 MB of usage!

Is there a way to really delete those messages and reclaim that space?

Edited to add: on my iPad2, which is also configured to receive and send Messages exactly as my iPhone is, Messages consumes 124 MB of space.
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Okay via Preferences and then selecting a mail client, I have streamlined future deletion of Sent Messages after a given time period.

My main questions above remain, however.
My second issue regarding freeing up space has to do with the Mail app. I keep this clean, deleting sent messages and deleting trash regularly. Yet, I see that on my 4S, Mail consumes 2.3GB. What is even stranger, on my iPad2, having the exact same accounts in the Mail Client, Mail only consumes 150 MB.

So, why such a difference and how can I slim down the size?
Do you use iTunes? After I "clean" up and delete, I sync with iTunes and it cleans everything up. As far as your mail, it's hard to say with out looking at your account, but I wonder if you have some images on some sent or archived messages somewhere.
Videos and photos take up a lot of space as do some apps. Also clear your safari website data.
Good suggestion. Okay, I did sync with iTunes and that cleaned up something because I gained a little space back! But, I still show 2.4 GB being devoted to Mail. My Messages are now at 184 MB. I cannot for the life me imagine where Mail is so bloated! I have cleaned out the Sent Mail folder completely. There is not much trash and it is set to be deleted after 1 day. I have exactly 4 messages in my In Box. Where can the bloat be hiding?!
I deleted my mail account and reinstalled it. Now it consumes only 94 MG. But, will it get bloated again? And, why did it get bloated in the first place?

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