French Talk Show Used iPhones to Continue Broadcasting After Power Cut

French Talk Show Used iPhones to Continue Broadcasting After Power Cut


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French TV show filmed on iPhones when power cuts out.webp

AppleInsider has a great story about how a French television show resorted to using iPhones to carry on filming when it was nearly scuppered by a power cut.

The incident happened one hour and 45 minutes into the filming of France 2’s On n’est Pas Couche (We’re Still Awake) TV programme, when due to a power failure the studio equipment totally shut down. Three hours later the show’s crew had the brainwave of using some (presumably battery run?) lighting, and various iPhone Plus models to keep filming. The footage was then edited and broadcast and can also be viewed on YouTube.

This would appear to be the very first time that a major television show in any country has been shot using iPhones, without it being some sort of publicity stunt from Apple.

It’s not known which particular iPhone version was used to film the show, but there’s a strong probability that at least part of it was filmed using an iPhone 6s Plus, which has the ability to shoot in 4K, as well as optical image stabilisation.

Source: French talk show resorts to iPhones to continue shooting after power outage

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