From 4.3.5 to 5.0.1 help

From 4.3.5 to 5.0.1 help


Active Member
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Aug 21, 2011
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Manchester, United Kingdom
Hiya guys just a few question about if i was to upgrade to the latest ios software. Im currently on 4.3.5 jailbroken with redsn0w. I unfortunatley missed out on downloading ios5 and Have missed out on the oppertunity to eventually be running the untethered for ios5 when its released. So i was just thinking on upgrading straight to 5.0.1 and using a tethered jailbreak for that....
Now my questions are

Is there diffinatley NOT going to be an untethered released for 4.3.5?
(if there was id hang onto 4.3.5 knowing that i can oneday get an untethered for it)

And secondly if i was to update to 5.0.1 an jailbreak tethered is anybody aware of or uses lockdown pro and pop up blocker with it? I hear alot of cydia apps are not compatible with ios5 yet.

Any help would be really apreciated as im still learning and have a long way to go :)

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There will never be an untethered jailbreak specifically designed for 4.3.5 but whether or not the untethered jailbreak that will be released for iOS5 will work on 4.3.5 is a different matter. We won't know until it's released.
I'm on 5.0.1 tethered jb. Works good except for iBooks. Don't know about lock down pro or pop up blocker as I do not use them.


PD: Ok, iBooks now works.
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Thank you guys i think ill do the update and see how it goes :) there the only 2 cydia apps i NEED.
How would i go about downgrading back to 4.3.5 if need be? Or is this not even possible?

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Ill find a thread somewhere on here that will guide me what im doin with shsh?

Follow this guide and it will let you know exactly what blobs you are entitled to use -

IF you have any 4.x blobs in the list (in the general tab of TU once you have finished the tutorial), then you can use those to downgrade to that version.

1) download the relevant firmare from here -

2) put your phone into DFU mode -

3) in TinyUmbrella press "Start TSS Server"

4) in iTunes, shift-restore and select the file you downloaded in step 1

As long as you have the right blobs in TU, the restore should complete, but you may end up in recovery mode. If that happens, download the latest redsn0w and use Extras > Fix Recovery and you should be good to go... Get it from here -
I bloody love this forum everybody is so helpful :) im gonna do it first thing in the mornin guys. Ill let you know how i get on

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ok well i decided not to do the upgrade as i descovered that the apps i need to run dont work with ios5 yet :( dohhh
found this link and thought i would share it for anybody that wondered what apps currently work with ios5
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chantelle310 said:
ok well i decided not to do the upgrade as i descovered that the apps i need to run dont work with ios5 yet :( dohhh
found this link and thought i would share it for anybody that wondered what apps currently work with ios5

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