Hiya guys just a few question about if i was to upgrade to the latest ios software. Im currently on 4.3.5 jailbroken with redsn0w. I unfortunatley missed out on downloading ios5 and Have missed out on the oppertunity to eventually be running the untethered for ios5 when its released. So i was just thinking on upgrading straight to 5.0.1 and using a tethered jailbreak for that....
Now my questions are
Is there diffinatley NOT going to be an untethered released for 4.3.5?
(if there was id hang onto 4.3.5 knowing that i can oneday get an untethered for it)
And secondly if i was to update to 5.0.1 an jailbreak tethered is anybody aware of or uses lockdown pro and pop up blocker with it? I hear alot of cydia apps are not compatible with ios5 yet.
Any help would be really apreciated as im still learning and have a long way to go
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Now my questions are
Is there diffinatley NOT going to be an untethered released for 4.3.5?
(if there was id hang onto 4.3.5 knowing that i can oneday get an untethered for it)
And secondly if i was to update to 5.0.1 an jailbreak tethered is anybody aware of or uses lockdown pro and pop up blocker with it? I hear alot of cydia apps are not compatible with ios5 yet.
Any help would be really apreciated as im still learning and have a long way to go

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