Future VZW iPhone user

Future VZW iPhone user


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Jan 20, 2011
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Greetings! Found my way over here from the droid forums sister site. I was an early adopter of the original Droid, and I will be preordering my iPhone on Feb. 3rd! I don't have any problems with my Droid, and it's been a great phone, but the iPhone was the phone I've always wanted, and being a longtime iTunes user, it makes the most sense for me. Now that it is available off that wretched AT&T network, I'm gonna finally get to snag one!
I think a lot of people feel the same way you do...that the Droid was decent enough to meet their smart phone needs...but secretly many wanted the iPhone...and now that it's here they'll switch.

Plenty of people switching from the droids now the iPhone is available on verzion...
I was in the same boat. While I was in the states, I always told myself that if the iPhone comes to Verizon that id ditch the Droid and buy the iPhone. Happy to see that it finally happened. I didnt have to ditch anything though. I got orders to Okinawa and just canceled my contract. Now I have my iPhone 4 haha.
WooHoo! Another original Droid user. I'm planning to switch off my droid to Iphone also. One of the main reasons is to not carry around a phone and ipod. Welcome to the forums.

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