Hello !
After a significant time invested in this, I managed to have a few good quality games up on the appstore. As it turns out, making the games wasn't the hardest part, as it seemed obvious to me at the time. Effectively promoting your games / apps is another big obstacle to surpass !
I tried the usual - posting to tens of review sites (no answer until now), making game video, even some admob banner advertising. Everything to little efffect
I'd like to hear about your experiences on this part - what was your most successful way to promote your app ?
Tiberiu !
After a significant time invested in this, I managed to have a few good quality games up on the appstore. As it turns out, making the games wasn't the hardest part, as it seemed obvious to me at the time. Effectively promoting your games / apps is another big obstacle to surpass !
I tried the usual - posting to tens of review sites (no answer until now), making game video, even some admob banner advertising. Everything to little efffect

I'd like to hear about your experiences on this part - what was your most successful way to promote your app ?
Tiberiu !