Get Ready for Plants vs. Zombies 2!

Get Ready for Plants vs. Zombies 2!


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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Pocket Gamer is speculating today that Plants vs Zombies 2 might be on the way, after journalists were send a “Save the Date, August 2, 2010” invite for PopCap Games’ special, and very mysterious event in San Francisco. As the invite features a zombie hand poking out of the dirt, Pocket Gamer is predicting that either Plants vs Zombies 2, or fresh downloadable content for the original game, will be unveiled at the special event.

For those who have managed to thus far escape becoming addicted to the game, Plants vs. Zombies is a “flower defense” game which challenges you to defend your house from encroaching zombies striving to reach your front door to eat your brains! But instead of fighting the zombies with guns, you get to use plants, yes plants! More than 40 specialist zombie-battling plants, to be exact, ranging from cherry bombs and pea shooters to melon-pults and wall-nuts, all with differing abilities designed to slow down, confuse, weaken and ultimately destroy the zombie hordes shuffling towards your door.

Source: Pocket Gamer
i play the Number in iphone and ipad two and i like .. i already set alarm in my Iphone for the release of the number 2 :)

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