Getting rid of iOS 7?

Getting rid of iOS 7?

I would not be so unhappy about the future of this iOS. Keep in mind there will be updates. I know there are some that say there are only a minimum of people dissastisfied...but I've never heard/read this many complaints about an iOS update before. I would think Apple is getting an earful and is looking for ways to improve the new iOS experience. Updates can solve a lot of the color issues, if that is your main concern...hang in there!

I chose a darker wallpaper and it made a world of difference as far as the icons. I am still not a fan of the white background on the dial pad, messages, notepad, etc. But, otherwise I have no complaints. Will hope there will be updates sooner than later!

There is a feedback page and if you do a search on "feedback" on IPF, I posted a link a few weeks ago.
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Thanks, Murphy. I've owned my iPhone 4 for a little over three years now, and it was pretty satisfactory when I bought it. I was just swamped with illness and the stresses of downsizing and moving while ill when the new iOs came out, and went with a friend's enthusiastic urging that I update. I should have remembered that she is, while a lovely person in every way, essentially an Apple cultist. My stupid - and now I'm going to pay for it for the remaining life of my phone. What's the best way to get feedback to Apple (and have somebody in a position to do something read it)?
The Apple Store app has (or used too) have a Contact Us link at the very bottom of the page. Emails there are usually read and answered. Given the number of people unhappy at the unprofessional look of some of the key functions they may be slow to respond or have moved the link around some. Google how to contact apple and see what happens. Someone usually knows the correct answer! Good luck.
Rossweisse if you want to PM me I have some tips about the phone that may help you live with it for now. That way you won't have to search 1000 threads to find what you need- I am sure you are super busy!
This morning my phone was reminding me insistently that it has not been backed up in a couple of weeks. I started to do it - and then the thought occurred to me: If it hasn't been backed up, does that mean that it could be restored to the way it was? And if so, how would I go about it?

I used to be so happy with my phone...
This morning my phone was reminding me insistently that it has not been backed up in a couple of weeks. I started to do it - and then the thought occurred to me: If it hasn't been backed up, does that mean that it could be restored to the way it was? And if so, how would I go about it?

I used to be so happy with my phone...
I am NOT SURE, but I think a complete erase of the data and then a restore backup from iTunes on your PC would do. I AM NOT SURE AND YOU CAN TRY AT YOUR OWN RISK. COULD SOMEONE PLEASE VERIFY THE PROCESS?
I've written to Apple, not that I have any faith that anyone there will care. I am, however, starting to think that iOS 7 is Apple's equivalent of New Coke.

I regret that upgrade more than any other mistake I've made in the last 18 months. I went from loving my phone to hating it in just a few short minutes. Damn.
I erased my iPhone 5 and did the restore and it still had iOS 7 on it.
I have to agree, I have had the 4 the 4s and now the 5, I have loved and enjoyed every one of them, then I did the upgrade and hate it,
I hate the look and I hate the calendar which I use a lot!
I hate that a picture I had on my lock screen on iOS 6 fit just fine but since the iOS 7 update it won't fit, you can't crop it or resize it to fit!
And just about all of my photos are that way, even new pictures taken with the phone after the update.
I hate the phone now and what's worse is I hate android!
I actually found at SAMs club the iPhone 5 for $78 dollars with a 2 year upgrade, the phone had iOS 6 on it, only problem is all they had was white, but then the lady told me if I applied for a SAMs credit card I could get the phone for $58 dollars, so I'm using a white iPhone 5 with iOS 6 on it and have no plans to update to iOS 7
I erased my iPhone 5 and did the restore and it still had iOS 7 on it.
I have to agree, I have had the 4 the 4s and now the 5, I have loved and enjoyed every one of them, then I did the upgrade and hate it,
I hate the look and I hate the calendar which I use a lot!
I hate that a picture I had on my lock screen on iOS 6 fit just fine but since the iOS 7 update it won't fit, you can't crop it or resize it to fit!
And just about all of my photos are that way, even new pictures taken with the phone after the update.
I hate the phone now and what's worse is I hate android!
I actually found at SAMs club the iPhone 5 for $78 dollars with a 2 year upgrade, the phone had iOS 6 on it, only problem is all they had was white, but then the lady told me if I applied for a SAMs credit card I could get the phone for $58 dollars, so I'm using a white iPhone 5 with iOS 6 on it and have no plans to update to iOS 7
iOS is not backed up while you back up your iDevice, and neither do erasing your device uninstall and remove iOS from your device.
For the large text of your contacts which makes viewing them problematic, go to settings => General =>Accessibility => Text or Larger Type and reduce the font.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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