Ghost in the Phone after screen replacement and coffee spill

Ghost in the Phone after screen replacement and coffee spill


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Mar 14, 2011
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Soo... I replaced my cracked screen on my own. I'm pretty tech savvy and did a fine job. It worked great for two days and then I spilled coffee on it. I have tried searching the archives and apologize if this has been previously discussed but I'm having trouble describing the issue in a succinct fashion.

Now there are a few issues with the touch screen. The screen is very sensitive. Sometimes when I hold my finger a few cm from the phone it will just start freaking out and typing stuff. If I go into my contacts it sometimes calls people randomly. There seems to be a blind spot where when the phone is held vertically there is a non-responsive area near the left hand side of the screen. I have tried pulling up the connectors for the screen and reconnecting them again but this does not help. I also opened the phone back up and cleaned to coffee residue off with a que-tip.

I'm wondering what part I need to replace now. The coffee penetrated at the top through the ear piece because I neglected to put the tiny metal grate from my old screen back on and the new screen didn't come with one. So it most likely is an issue with those connectors, ie: I need a new screen, motherboard or the other piece that is in that area (and if it's that, what is it called/do).

I really appreciate any help because this is very annoying and I vow to never spill coffee on the phone again.

Thank You! :photos:
I have no idea; sorry I can't help. I hate to jump to another topic amidst your distress but...How much did the screen cost you, and did you get it from Apple, and how does it attach, and does it come with instructions?
$70. No, Amazon. With screws, you have to open it up and take everything out bit by bit. And no, I found a Youtube video.

I've discovered some new symptoms.

1) Our wifi from my living room no longer is picked up from my phone in our bedroom.

2) One of my podcasts will play on my computer, but not on the phone... but another podcast will. I cannot deduce the difference between these two and have no idea why it wont play.

I tried restoring again today and nothing worked.

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