GMail will not delete from iPhone 4 even though I have closed the account

GMail will not delete from iPhone 4 even though I have closed the account


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Sep 9, 2012
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Hi, I have 7000 emails in G Mail which will not delete (they just reappear). I have closed my Google account but they're still there. I have tried removing the gmail box but get a message saying 'cannot remove from this server'. How on earth do I get rid?? All these (spam) messages have eaten my storage and I really don't know what to do.
If you into Settings->Mail and simply delete your gmail account, what happens?
Something wrong with google mail,everythime I want to delete a mail from google mail it said archive not delete
I have 3 mail accounts in my iphone4 but with the other 2 I have no problems
I did it!! The gmail was forwarding with IMAP, lots of people seemed to have this problem where the 'All Mail' box had thousands in and would not delete. I went into the IMAP settings in my Sky Mail and changed settings so that firstly the box is limited to 1000 but secondly, that deleted mails are deleted forever, not bounced back as (strangely) is the default. Thanks for your input guys.