Google Introduces “Undo” Feature for Mobile Gmail

Google Introduces “Undo” Feature for Mobile Gmail


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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The Google Mobile Blog has today announced that Google has introduced an “Undo” feature for mobile Gmail. Basically, it means that when you accidentally delete a message, or simply change your mind about deleting a message, you won’t have to bother with going into Trash and undeleting it, or giving it a new label. The new feature works by giving you the opportunity to undo any of four key actions: Archive, Delete, Add or Remove a Label, as well as giving you the chance to move a message/ conversation. When you perform any of the four actions, a yellow bar will appear at the bottom of the screen reminding you what action you just took and giving you the chance to undo it. The bar will stay there even if you go to another screen within the app, giving you plenty of opportunity to change your mind even when you move to Menu from Inbox, for example.

You can access Gmail at in your iOS browser.

Source: Undo certain Gmail actions in your mobile browser - Official Google Mobile Blog