Google (or Someone!) Plays Tilt-Tastic Trick on Your iPhone

Google (or Someone!) Plays Tilt-Tastic Trick on Your iPhone


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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Something very strange has been happening today to people using Google search on their iPhone, either via the Safari browser or Google’s iPhone app. When you enter appropriate words such as “tilt”, “askew,” or “crooked,” and search for the word, the search results appear lopsided. The Huffington Post has a very good round up on all the latest details on the Easter egg, which was apparently discovered by Twitter user @iPhoneTeam. According to Search Engine Land who have also been looking into the matter, it doesn’t work on the iPad (and it doesn’t, I’ve tried), although it does work on Android devices as well as the iPhone, so it must be the work of Google, rather than Apple. It’s all just a bit of fun really, but intriguing all the same. Google appears to be remaining tight-lipped on the matter for now. Maybe it was an April Fool’s day joke that no one picked up on at the time and is only just now getting discovered. Let us know if you find any other words that it works with!

Source: Google 'Tilt' On Your iPhone And Watch Things Get Funky [UPDATE], Another Google Easter Egg: Search “Tilt” on Smartphones - Techland -
It also works on my Motorola Droid running Gingerbread.

Curiously enough, it doesn't work on webkit-based desktop PC browsers, though. Must be a mobile webkit thing.
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