We've got some pretty exiciting news over at GrafiXpressions.com!
We have now added two features to our website, one is the Facebook "Like" button. Yes we sell the stickers, but you've never been able to let us know what products of ours you like! We urge you to browse through our products and "Like" the products you actually like!
Why? Good Question! One, this helps us see the types of products and designs that our customers think are cool -- so it helps us plan for future products. Two, the most liked product each week will be put on sale, sweet! Also, when you click on the "Like" button, you can post the information to your Facebook page, if you do this you have entered yourselves in a chance to win some free stuff. We love to give away stickers, so we'll be randomly selecting some of you who have shared this on your walls to win some free swag!
The next update allows you to share a product with a friend via E-Mail. Ever see a cool product you think your friend would love, too lazy to compose an email, or give them a call to tell them about it? Now you just click the "Share" button and type your name and friend's email address in and we'll send them a pretty email letting them know you recommended that product!
We hope these new features will add some fun to browsing our site, while also giving you guys a chance to get sweet deals and freebies, so head to the site now and get "Like'n"