Half instaled packages

Half instaled packages


Thread Starter
Nov 13, 2012
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Hi pros of iOS, need help with repo ultrasn0w. Don't know why but install was not good, help please . Willerze?

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Seeing that your device is on iOS 7 from the Cydia UI, and from the looks of the Modify button on the top right, you've attempted to install UltraSn0w, which does not work on iOS 7 even if it's on an iPhone 4 with the 01.59.00 baseband as of yet if ever (UltraSn0w does not work for the 4S and above), and because it modifies and utilizes specific roots that may not be available on iOS 7, it will show up as half-installed because only half of the package is taken into effect while the other half or other portion of the package is sitting there without applying a change. Uninstall UltraSn0w, and respring/reboot to resolve it.
Thanks very much, willerz2. The thing here is when push 'remove' it loads the uninstall prog but doesn't complete it.

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Then, after those command you told everytime i open Cydia pop's that first message saying half install, blá blá blá. Should i do 'forcibly clear'?

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Thanks very much, willerz2. The thing here is when push 'remove' it loads the uninstall prog but doesn't complete it.

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Doesn't complete i say, because after respring and reboot the message appear again when open Cydia

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Run the Evasi0n7 utility on your computer again up to the point where it asks to unlock your device and tap on the Evasi0n app that's on your springboard. At that point, close out the utility on your computer, and delete the Evasi0n app (don't tap on it), and the /usr/bin/ issue should be fixed
Bit confused, 'dont tap on it'?! Delete means press like want to delete an app? Not tap on it, yes?

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Meaning don't open it. Tap and hold onto any other icon on your springboard to bring up the jiggling of the apps, then tap on the " - " on the corner of the Evasi0n app to delete it

EDIT: There's an older method that worked for Evasi0n 6 last year before @Evad3rs resolved it.

Assuming you can access the raw filesystem on your computer using iFunbox or a utility that's similar, or if you have iFile on your device, navigate to /var/lib/dpkg/ and in that directory, check to see if you have "available-old" and "status-old". If so, rename the package named "available" to something like "avail.bak" and the package named "status" to "status.bak". Then remove the "-old" in the first 2 items, and re-run Cydia.
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Look like is good. Forcebly clear and is fine, however, the repo still there.

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Remove the repo in Cydia > Manage > Sources. Swipe the repo from right to left or tap on the Edit button, and delete it.
Of course brother, so stupid from me. Being crazy with all this issue, many thanks, you PRO 📚

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Yep, so cool to have people like you men. Thanks a lot

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