Happy Birthday iPhone! Five Years Old Today

Happy Birthday iPhone! Five Years Old Today


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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June 29, 2007, is a very special day for one of the most revolutionary tech devices ever invented! Yes, it’s the iPhone’s fifth birthday today, and my, how it’s grown! Who would have thought it would have had such an impact on so many different walks of life across the past few years? Do you remember how you felt when the first iPhone was launched? Did you buy one at launch? GigaOM has several excellent articles today in honour of the iPhone’s birthday, in particular a retrospective piece that looks in-depth at the impact of the iPhone, including the initial excitement when it was launched, and the fact that even back then, “people realized just how much this new product would change their lives.” And don’t forget to look at the excellent video at the top of this post, which shows the late Steve Jobs introducing the iPhone, and looks at the launch of all subsequent iPhones to date. When you see Jobs comparing the old phones to the iPhone in the video, it really brings it home exactly how much the iPhone revolutionized mobile technology.

Source: The iPhone at 5: a GigaOM retrospective — Apple News, Tips and Reviews
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