HELLO iPhone!!!

HELLO iPhone!!!


New Member
Thread Starter
Jul 11, 2011
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Thanks For the welcome!

I'm new just got the iphone 4 loving it so far no complaints. Which is good.

Brief phone history:
1st-cheap throw away from sprint 4 years ago
2nd-Blackberry Tour still with sprint, super slow boot time not a smartphone by todays standard good business only phone with the encryption level.
3rd-Samsung Vibrant t-mobile, android. My first real smartphone.
4th-Vibrant 4g t-mobile super fast data.
5th-Nexus S t-mobile decent phone showed some new ideas and devsign concept. The OS 2.3.4 is crap though.
6th-LG G2x t-mobile 4g phone buggy as could be phone had to be rooted and have a custom kernel to get past constant reboots, display sucks, battery life 4-5 hours doing nothing at all. And no OS updates or fixes in sight.

So now I have the iphone 4 happy with it minus AT&T's slow data but a fix is coming once they get t-mobile.

iOS is not as buggy as androids OS and the iOS goes with the hardware. Biggiest issue for google phones are evolving faster then they can develop to take advantage of hardware. APPs apps here dont cause issues apps on android can and usually do.

Will I go back to android in the near future more then likely no but if google and the phone m,aufactures get it together then possibly. But Steve Jobs knows what he is doing so he might have a new customer for life.

Here is a HQ wallpaper edited on iphone 4. Looks pretty sick working on another one.


  • $snake.webp
    38.7 KB · Views: 380
And here is another one could be better!!


  • $IMG_0069[1].webp
    22.3 KB · Views: 198
Im addicted to the photo editing apps on here android doesnt have anything close to this!!!


  • $IMG_0070[1].webp
    18.4 KB · Views: 164
  • $IMG_0071[1].webp
    29.6 KB · Views: 195
  • $IMG_0072[1].webp
    41 KB · Views: 155

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