Hello, newbie help pls.

Hello, newbie help pls.


New Member
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Jul 2, 2011
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Hello. I just registered a few minutes ago and I am new to this forum. I was wondering if you can help me.

I wanted 4G but when I heard that Iphone 5 is coming in probably Sept, I am trying to hold off buying and just wait for it. Unfortunately my 3G died a few hours ago so I had to bite the bullet and get 4G. I went to AT&T and purchased it and the guy set it up. Im not too savvy with this gadgets, trying to learn, and when I got home, I synched it. I have a few questions.

1) I havent updated my old phone for months and bought a few apps after so when I tried to register new Iphone on Itunes and sync it, not all apps on my 3G appeared on the 4G, so I tried to go back to Itunes and get the APP again but it asked me to buy again.

2) I had about 171 photos on my old phone and when I tried to import to the new one, only 154 imported. (is it bec I havent updated it?)

3) I just noticed now that my Iphone 4 shows 3G and not 4G on the screen.

Did I do something wrong? As I said, even if I had 3G before, I am not too savvy.

4) Should I sync the 3G again and then re-sync the 4G to get my previous APPS?

I hope I make sense and I would really appreciate your help.

Thanks so much
1.) Perhaps not all of your apps appeared on your IP4 is because the version and compatibility of the app(s) with 3G and 4 is or may be different. Try downloading or buying the app again because I believe that's the only choice left there. Or you can opt not to buy again if it keeps telling you to buy again.

2.) For the photos, start from scratch since you've bought a new and totally different iPhone. Uncheck the box that syncs your phone to the folder you've placed your 171 photos in. Make a new folder or resync the old folder into your iTunes and then connect your IP4. I suggest you update your phone's firmware first, just in case.

3.) What do you mean by "it shows 3G"? As in the drawing of an iPhone 3G instead of a 4?

4.) Do not resync your 3G again because that will only confuse your iTunes more. Just start again from scratch! :)