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Hello world!


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Thread Starter
Oct 28, 2011
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New here, and I was wondering where I'd go to ask whether or not to preserve my baseband while updating my iPhone 4 to iOS 5. I'd really appreciate some guidance!

Do you rely on unlocking with ultrasn0w? the answer to that question is the answer to yours
No, but I'd like the option to unlock in the future.. does that mean I should preserve it?

Are there any negatives to preserving the baseband other than to figure out the process?
If you can be bothered to do it, and there is an outside chance you may want to unlock in the future, then you probably should... If you will never ever be interested in unlocking, there is no point. So it sounds to me like you probably want to...

The only downside is that the modem firmware (baseband) is software just like IOS, so when new versions come out there can be improvements to performance, stability, as well as the usual patching of exploits. As an example, a bug in the baseband may cause calls to be dropped intermittently. If this is fixed in the next version, you will not get the fix if you are preserving an old version...
However, in practical terms, there is very rarely an improvement which is noticeable between baseband versions.
Hello and welcome to the forum.......
Just to be safe i would preserve it any ways. You never know if you will need it later down the road.
Thanks for all the kind welcomes!

In response to f4780y's post regarding newer basebands (with better performance), can I simply update in iTunes to get the newest iOS and baseband at any time, as long as I haven't yet unlocked the phone?

And hopefully my last concern for now, do I need tinyumbrella for what I want to do (i.e., go to iOS 5 while preserving baseband) or does the following link tell me all I need to do:

Preserve Baseband on iPhone 4 during iOS 5 Upgrade – Windows Users | Iphone 4 Jailbreak.org
G'day and welcome to the forum!!!! :)

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