


New Member
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Sep 8, 2011
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Hello my nam is Kevin and i am new to iphone4. I was the only one in the family without one till a week ago so i just bought it. lol I do have several questions but not sure what area to post it at. my phone has my wifes email on it when i try to update my apps and cant change it to my email. any help will be appreciated. thank you
Hello Kevin and welcome!

so all the family has a iphone? very nice. here We have a mixture of ios and android lol, but its nice to be able to have and use both so you can try them both out..

any way you wanted to know about swapping the email to your own.. tap on settings then scroll down to "store" then you will see it says at the bottom "Apple ID" you can delete her one and add your own but you wont be able to update the apps with out her pass you have downloaded with her ID so if they are free I would download them again using your own email